第340章 深海宝物

“Report, sir。”(报告长官)


“What's the matter?”(有什么事?)中年男子没有抬头,继续看着手中的文件。

“Five of the sharks that live in the Bermuda Triangle have just lost any signs of life, according to a report by technicians.”(根据技术人员汇报,生存在百慕大三角中的怪兽中,有五头鲨鱼类怪兽在刚才失去了生命迹象。)


“What? The five-headed monster has lost signs of life. Are you kidding me?”(什么?五头怪兽失去了生命迹象,你在跟我开什么国际玩笑!)中年男子不可置信的接过士兵递来的平板,看着上面的数据惊呼出声。

“Sir, there's no mistaking the data, and the three-headed fish monster that had been attacking an island off the Bermuda Triangle was killed.”(长官,数据是不会出错的,另外先前一直袭击百慕大三角附近一个岛屿的三头章鱼类怪兽也被击杀了。)士兵摇了摇头,否认了中年男子的话。



“The three-headed fish monster was killed by a man suspected to be from China.”(那三头章鱼类怪兽是被一个疑似从华夏国来的男子击杀的。)士兵沉默了一会后再次开口。

“What ?”中年男子从椅子上站了起来,表情有些丰富,随后再次开口,“I need the information about that flight, please give it to me as soon as possible.”(我需要那个航班的资料,请尽快给我。)

“Yes, sir!”士兵退下,并关上了办公室的门。

